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LattePanda-Alpha with a LSM303

(accelerometer, magnetometer, compass)

LattePanda Alpha 864 is a highly powerful device designed with Intel 7th generation Core m3 processor. This Core m3 processor is perfect for superior performance and low power consumption.

 In this scenario I am combining it with an LSM303 accelerometer and compass breakout

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AR Glasses

Build your own Northstar AR Glasses

Ever dreamed of having your own large field of view (FOV) AR headset. It might be easier than you think. Come, join the community and build your own version with its own interaction purpose.

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Project - A digital temperature collector

He told me that he had a temperature measuring device, that he could not find, back in 2011
He needed something like a data logger. Easy and light, cheap, with a battery lasting over year or so, that he could install at customers' places in order to have a Log of "what happened" if any problem came up.
Say, a frozen (broken) pipe or other malfunctions in heating, AC and such. He said connectivity wasn't necessary and to log to a SD-card that could be inspected later would be sufficient.

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The making of "Light Gary"

Part 03

Puuuh. Long time no hear! 

This is just a quick update on the “Light Gary”, and there will be more Blog-Posts soon again.

As you can see from the video I finished the making of it.....

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